As part of our mission, we strive to support teaching at the university level. UW instructors can include the Child Development Lab in their courses through observations, visits, or projects. Giving students the opportunity to apply course concepts to real-world settings offers an invaluable learning experience in many domains, such as Child Development, Educational Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction, Design Studies, Research Methods, and much more.
We ask that instructors reach out to the CDL as early as possible for accommodations and scheduling. All students visiting the CDL must abide by our policies.
Class Visits & Observations
To schedule a class visit or observation, fill out this form: or e-mail
In your email, provide the following information:
- Course instructor & TA’s
- Course title and number
- Class size
- A description of the purpose of the visit
- Dates and times you would like to visit.
The best times to visit at the CDL are:
– 8:00am – 10:00am
– 3:00pm – 4:00pm - Preferred age-group(s) to include in the visit
– Infants (6 wks.-2 years)
– Toddlers (2-3 year-olds)
– 3-year olds (3-4 years)
– 4-year olds (4-5 years)
You can expect a confirmation of the scheduled visit within 2 working days. All visitors to the Child Development Lab are expected to report to the Site Administrator’s office when they arrive.
Please note, we have limited capacity to host class visits and observations, so please make alternative arrangements for your courses, if we are unable to accommodate your request this semester.
Class Projects
To coordinate a class project, fill out this form: or e-mail
In your email, provide the following information:
- Course instructor & TA’s
- Course title and number
- A description of the course project and involvement of children/families
- Student certificates indicating completion of their CITI Human Subjects Protections (HSP) Training
- A teaching consent form for parents to review and sign