Test Research Form Research Application To coordinate a research project at the CDL, please complete this form. Our Teaching and Research Coordinator will respond to your request within 3 business days. Study PersonnelContact Name(Required) First Last Contact Email(Required) Contact Phone(Required)Principal Investigators(Required) Graduate Student Research Assistant Names(Required) Write "N/A" if no graduate students will be involvedUndergraduate Student Research Assistant Names(Required) Write "N/A" if no undergraduate graduate students will be involvedOther Supporting Research Team Member Names(Required) Write "N/A" if no other research team members will be involvedAffiliationsUniversity(Required) School(Required) Department(Required) Additional Affiliations (e.g., collaborator from another university, community partner, etc.)Study DetailsProject Title(Required) Project Description(Required)Please provide a lay description of the study that can be shared with teachers, staff, and families.Recruitment Description(Required)Please explain how participants will be recruited for this study.Description of Participant/CDL Involvement(Required)Please provide details about what participants will do in this study, especially if this study is using a general consent form. Additionally, indicate any specific requests you have for the CDL.What type of project is this?(Required) Graduate Student Pilot Study Graduate Student Masters Thesis Graduate Student Dissertation Graduate Student Other Independent Project Undergraduate Student Pilot Study Undergraduate Student Honors Thesis Undergraduate Student Other Independent Project Faculty Pilot Study Faculty Project Other Target Study Population(Required) Infants Toddlers Preschoolers Parents Teachers/Staff Minimum Target Age (Months)(Required)Maximum Target Age (Months)(Required)Study DocumentsCITI Human Subjects Protections Certificates(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 24 MB. Must submit a CITI Human Subjects Protections certificate for each research team memberStatus of IRB Approval Exempt Pending Approved Study IRB Approval(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 24 MB. IRB Approved Consent Form(Required) Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 24 MB. PDF of approved consent form stamped by IRBDraft of Study Consent Form(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 24 MB. Prior to recruitment, researchers must provide the CDL with a consent form that has the IRB stamp of approval.Recruitment Documents Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 24 MB. (e.g., flyers, email templates, etc.) CDL SchedulingWill this study be physically hosted in the CDL?(Required) Yes Other Desired Research Amenities and Supplies(Required) Lehman Human Interaction Room Lehman Child & Infant Room Classroom Observation Booth Camera System None More information about our amenities and supplies can be found at the bottom of our Prospective Research Page - https://childdevelopmentlab.wisc.edu/prospective-research/Estimated session duration per participant (minutes)(Required)How many sessions/visits per participant?(Required) 1 Other Desired Study Start Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Anticipated Study End Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Preferred Visit Days/Times Monday AM Monday PM Tuesday AM Tuesday PM Wednesday AM Wednesday PM Thursday AM Thursday PM Friday AM Friday PM AM timeslots are from 8:30-10:30am || PM timeslots are from 2:30-4:30pmNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.