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Age Groups

The CDL’s classrooms are divided into four age categories for the 2023-24 school year:

  • Infant: 0 – 24 months as of Sept. 1
  • Two’s: 24 months up to 36 months as of Sept. 1
  • Three’s: 36 months up to 48 months as of Sept. 1
  • 4k -Four’s: 48 months as of Sept. 1

We use a mixed-age model in our classrooms. This model has many benefits but probably the greatest is that a child can be in the same classroom for at least two years.  Teachers can really get to know each child and provide for his or her changing needs over time. Also, teachers who work with a mixed-age classroom become more sensitive to normal variations of children’s development. Being in a group with a broader age-span also gives children the opportunity to gravitate to others more closely matched to their own developmental level.  Older children can learn how to be helpful, patient, and tolerant of younger peers’ competencies, and to serve as desirable role models.

Daily Routine

A sense of routine is extremely important during early childhood development. Our Program supports routine through structured and predictable events, but also allows for plenty of free exploration. During free exploration, children are encouraged to explore interest areas, participate in meaningful investigations, and interact with adults and peers. During planned activities, teachers and students work together as a team. Based on children’s interests and developmental levels, the team creates a plan that encourage exploration, the development of inquiry skills, and  We strive for a balance between adult-initiated and child-initiated times, active and quiet times, as well as indoor and outdoor periods.

  • Younger children: Routines for infants and young toddlers are flexible so that teachers can meet the individual needs of each child. The care-giving routines (feeding, diapering, toilet training, napping, etc.) are part of the “curriculum” because they are connected to attachment and relationship building.
  • Older children: Older toddlers and preschoolers follow established routines and a daily schedule that includes small and large group activities. Schedules are posted outside each classroom door for parents and visitors to see.

Indoor Environment

Physical environment is a foundation of the early childhood curriculum. Each classroom environment is aesthetically pleasing and rich in opportunities for children to notice, wonder, explore and discover. Our strategy for room layout is to arrange the room into a messy zone, an active zone, and a quiet zone. Each classroom is divided into learning centers or areas which include:

  • Dramatic Play & Pretend Play Areas
  • Blocks & Large Motor
  • Creative Art
  • Music & Movement
  • Manipulatives & Math
  • Discovery Science & Sensory
  • Language & Literacy